The pilot’s emotional reaction when he discovered why birds were flying next to the plane


A man named Jason has been working as a pilot for many years.

Throughout his career, he has faced many unexpected situations that required quick thinking to solve.

However, one particular situation turned him into a hero.

During a recent flight, the aircraft Jason was piloting was suddenly attacked by a colossal flock of birds, slamming into the plane’s windows.

The sight was so unusual that Jason went into a state of shock.

However, knowing that the lives of the passengers were in his hands, he tried to find a way to escape the angry birds, which was not as easy as he would have liked.

As he attempted to reassure everyone on the flight that everything would be okay, he prayed that the birds wouldn’t damage the engine.

Unfortunately, the birds became increasingly aggressive, and Jason wondered what he should do next to get rid of them.

He called for assistance from air traffic control, but the control tower remained silent.

Unable to maintain control of the aircraft, he decided to return to the airport, but the attacks became even more aggressive, forcing him to attempt a maneuver he had never tried before: a water landing.

No matter how crazy it sounded, it was the only sensible option that came to mind for this pilot.

Despite the rough landing, no passengers were injured.

Rescue teams arrived on the scene, and tugs were dispatched to pull the aircraft out of the water.

Each of the passengers was brought to safety, but it took some time for this rescue operation to take place as the bird attacks persisted.

Rescue services tried to scare them away, but the birds were persistent, and no one knew why.

An investigation finally revealed what caused the flock of birds to attack the aircraft.

It turned out that one of the passengers was trying to smuggle some birds and was involved in the illegal trade of exotic birds.

When everything was over and Jason realized that everyone was safe, he felt relieved and shed tears of joy.

Not only did he avert a disaster, but he also uncovered a criminal trade.

This is another example of the challenges faced by people who are part of the aviation industry.

Jason was praised for his actions and his ability to remain calm and focus on ensuring the safety of every passenger on board.

It was thanks to this man that the illegal business causing the strange behavior of the birds was brought to an end.