Born without nostrils: the appearance of Tessa Evans at age 10


Tessa Evans, born on Valentine’s Day 2013 without nostrils, is a darling of her family and is loved and admired by people around the world.

Her charming attitude and unwavering bravery are particularly praised by her mother.

Worldwide, there are fewer than 100 people with the same rare condition as Tessa.

She lives strongly and has been enjoying her life for eight years now, after being the first person to receive nasal implants.

Her situation does not hinder her from doing anything she wants.

Parents Grainne and Nathan Evans were shocked when their child was born on Valentine’s Day without nostrils.

The pregnancy was normal, and there were no signs of problems.

Tessa, from Maghera, Ireland, was born without nostrils due to having Bosma-Arhinia-Microphthalmia Syndrome (BAMS).

According to the National Institutes of Health, there have been fewer than 100 cases of this condition in medical history.

Due to its rarity, the condition is also challenging to treat.

For Tessa, this means she cannot smell or breathe through her nose, but she can still cough, sneeze, and catch a cold.

“It was amusing when she sneezed for the very first time, but we found out it actually comes from her chest,” said her father Nathan.

“But that little bit of normality was quite nice.”

When she was less than two weeks old, she had an operation to insert a tracheostomy tube into her mouth, allowing her to eat and sleep normally.

Tessa was the first person ever to have a cosmetic nasal implant inserted to replace the missing part, which happened when she was only two years old.