Sometimes people are required to come up with an ingenuine idea in order to save a confused animal. Thanks to these kind people, scared and abused dogs found comfort and care.
In this story, a woman needed to put big efforts to rescue the starving dog.
Amanda Guarascia and Dylan Parkinson are kind people who learned about the starving dog and wanted to rescue him. When they arrived at the place where the stray dog was living, they got shocked to see how he looked like.
Brave and kind girl pretends to be hurt to rescue a scared and starving stray dog
The dog refused to approach them and eat the food they gave him. After understanding that it was going to be difficult to befriend the dog, these people went for hotdogs.
Unfortunately, the scared dog completely refused to eat. He was confused and didn’t want to interact with humans. After four hours of hopeless efforts, Amanda and Dylan left the dog alone.
On the way home, however, a brilliant idea came to Amanda. The next day they returned to the same place, and fortunately, the poor dog was still there.
Now Amanda got down on the ground with her back to the animal and pretended to be injured. Then she crawled backward near the dog.
After hearing Amanda yawning, Bear (the name was given him later) started to worry about the ”helpless” human. He kind of took her under his wing.
Now when the woman was near to the pup, she hugged him and hold him into her hands. She was able to take the dog to the vet. Amanda had to hold the 57 lb dog everywhere until he got socialized.
Afterward, the adorable pup got a foster family and then – a forever family!
Now baby Bear is a very happy dog who enjoys the love of his human parents.
Thank you, Amanda and Dylan for making this beautiful moment come true!